Calvary Baptist Church

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“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”2 Timothy 2:15-16

The name Awana is derived from the key Bible verse (2 Timothy 2:15) and stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.”  Awana Clubs offer children three years old through twelfth grade an opportunity to learn and apply the Bible in an exciting, fun filled atmosphere.

We have Awana every Wednesday evening from 6:45pm to 8:15pm (from October through May).  This ministry hopes to reach our whole community and is open to children from different faiths and churches.  Although your child will not be required to attend other functions of the church, all the services and opportunities are open to your family.

Our church has five Awana Clubs:

  • Puggles = Age 2-3
  • Cubbies = Preschool
  • Sparks = K – 2nd grade
  • T-N-T = 3rd – 6th grade
  • Junior Varsity = 7th & 8th grade

3 Things Happen Each Wednesday…

  1. Game Time: This time is unique and designed with lots of kid appeal.  Teamwork is stressed and participation is maximized in order to provide an atmosphere of friendly competition for the kids and teens.
  2. Handbook Time: This period provides one-on-one interaction between leaders and clubbers.  Clubbers are given the opportunity to recite their Bible memory work.  Leaders strive to make sure that each child understands the verses that are being recited.
  3. Council Time: The message from God’s Word is always the primary focal point of the meeting segment.  Also included are presentations of awards, singing, object lessons, missions emphasis, etc.


Awards are an important part of Awana.  Clubbers earn awards for their handbook, Sunday School attendance, and club attendance.  Awards are given throughout the club year and in the special recognition service at the year’s end.

Awana Games

Each spring, our clubs (K-8th) participate in competitions against other Southern Ohio churches.  Participants must have completed at least 10 sections in their handbook.  Because team size is limited, other factors may be taken into consideration (attendance, attitude, etc.)

Bible Quizzing

Our 3rd-6th grade clubbers also have opportunities to participate in inter-church Bible Quizzes. Completion of designated amount of handbook material is required for participation.

Special Events/Contests

The special events and contests vary each year to add excitement for the clubbers. Past events have been skating parties, Awana Fair, Awana Grand Prix, pizza, ice cream parties, picnics, Awana Store, and special theme nights that give opportunities for the clubbers to earn shares and points for their teams. Watch the fliers coming home for this year’s exciting events!!!!


We treasure your children.  To ensure their safety, we have determined policies.  Children need to arrive between 6:30 and 6:45.  We begin promptly at 6:45.  Upon arrival, each clubber should check-in with their leader.  We are asking all parents to please pick up their children at the gym door at 8:15.  No child will be released until a parent is there or authorization is granted.


We encourage children and teens to respect those in authority.  However, from time to time, we have discipline problems.  If the behavior persists, we will ask the child not to attend clubs for the remainder of the year.  Small discipline issues will be handled by withholding candy, games, etc.  Please speak to your child concerning their behavior when these problems occur.

Open To Parents

We encourage parents to visit our church and attend any Wednesday evening and join in all parent/child activities.

SNOW POLICY:  If Rolling Hills School District CANCELS school on Wednesdays for weather, then AWANA is automatically CANCELED.