Calvary Baptist Church

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Sundays at Calvary

Real, meaningful worship with God’s people is not optional. It’s not a suggestion. It’s not a take-it-or-leave-it proposition. Worship on the Lord’s Day should be the crowning joy of our week. It’s our opportunity to engage our minds toward God. To enjoy His people. To bask in His presence. To corporately drink from His Word. To give of our talents and resources. To encourage and to be encouraged. To offer praise.

Pastor John MacArthur Jr.

Service Times

  •   Sunday School  9:30 AM – 10:20 AM
  •   Sunday Morning Worship  10:30 AM – Noon
  •   Sunday Evening on campus 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM  (Nov-Jan & Jun-Aug)
  •   Sunday Evening home Connect Groups  6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (Feb-May & Sep-Oct)

What To Expect

Expect to find a group of people, who despite our many faults, love Jesus and His Word.  We are dedicated to the good news that through the person and work of Jesus Christ there is a way to live a life in harmony with God, with others, & with yourself.  Expect to find a group of people that really believe the Bible and work to apply its truth to their lives.

A typical Sunday service lasts about 90 minutes and includes announcements, prayer, giving, a time of singing, and expository preaching from the Bible.

“What Should I Wear?”

We are not as concerned about how you look at Calvary  as we are about you getting to know Jesus & His Word better.  You will find all manner of dress in our services.  Some wear jeans and a t-shirt, some wear suits and ties and dresses. We do not have any kind of  “dress code” and simply ask you to wear what you feel is both appropriate and modest, something that keeps the focus off of ourselves and on Jesus Christ.

“What About My Kids?”

Calvary is a family-friendly church.  We offer Christ-centered programs for kids of all ages.  Whether it’s our infant/toddler nursery, Sunday school, children’s church or even our high school ministry, you are sure to find a place for any age child you may have.   Your child will be welcomed and challenged in their walk with Christ.

“What Kind Of Music?”

Our worship music is a blend of contemporary and traditional music.  We use several different kinds of instruments in our weekly worship such as guitars, piano, bass, keyboard, djembe-style drum, and organ.  We even occasionally play harmonica, trombone, flute, and whatever else we think we can use!  We are not nearly as concerned about our style of worship as we are our heart for worship.  We agree with Charles Spurgeon when he said “None find joy in worship but those who throw their hearts into it. Neither prayer, nor praise, not the hearing of the word will be profitable to those who have left their hearts behind them.”  (Click here to read our “7 Worship Principles”)

“What If I Have A Question?”

Please feel free to ask anyone around you.  Hopefully they can help you out.  If not, locate one of our smiling greeters by the 2 large entrance doors to the main worship area.  These people will be happy to assist you in any way possible.  Of course, feel free to speak to any of our Pastors or to call the church anytime at (740) 685-2193.

Interpreting For The Hearing-Impaired

In most of our services, interpretation is provided for those with hearing impairment (including a Sunday School class). Faithful, qualified interpreters strive to reach out to include our deaf family members in every aspect of Calvary Baptist Church.  Our hearing-impaired members sit on the Piano side (left) at the front of the auditorium in order to see the interpreter best.

After Our Services

After a service please feel free to hang around and meet our people.  You will notice there are many groups who will gather together after a service for brief times of conversation and fellowship.  Please introduce yourself to our Pastors and don’t hesitate to share a need or request prayer.


CBC is located at the Corner of Race Avenue & 6th Street.  Our primary parking lot entrance is off of 6th street.  Enter the glass doors, go UP the stairs to your left, then proceed to the main worship area to your right.  Our handicapped entrance (the green door) and parking is off of Race Avenue.  Click here for directions.