At Calvary, we believe that the only way possible to live a life in harmony with God, others, and even yourself is through the Person and work of Jesus Christ. God has revealed in his Word that every human being exists to magnify the all-satisfying greatness of his Son, Jesus Christ.
Our calling as a church is to function like telescopes for the supremacy of Christ. The world sees Jesus as a mere pinprick in the night sky of their lives. He is, in fact, the Ruler of all things and the most valuable Person in the universe.
We hope you feel at home here, whatever your background. We are not a perfect people (not even close) but we are a people that love Jesus and His Word, and we want to make much of Jesus Christ. Would you join us? Come, join us on a Sunday morning. At Calvary, we are radically committed to helping you know Christ, grow in Christ, and go for Christ.
Click here if you need DIRECTIONS
Click here to read about our CORE principles.
Sunday School: 9:30am
Sunday Morning Service: 10:30am – Noon
Sunday Evening Service: 6pm – 7:00p (Nov-Jan & Jun-Aug)
Wednesday Youth & Young Adult Worship: 6:00pm – 7:15pm
Wednesday Kids-For-Truth: 6pm – 7:15pm
Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 6pm – 7:15pm