Calvary Baptist Church

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SOAP Journal


Here is a very simple method to journal your daily quiet times with the Lord in His Word.  It’s called S.O.A.P.   (I first heard of this method from New Hope Church in Oahu, Hawaii)

S cripture.  read it, perhaps re-read it. take your time, underline some key verses, note key ideas in the margin, choose a verse you want to focus on for that day, write it out verbatim in your journal.

O bserve.  what is the context of this verse? what is the “big idea” of this verse? what does it mean? ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you. write a 1 sentence summary in your journal.

A pplication.  what does it mean to me? personalize what you have read, by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. what is something that God wants you to do or believe or stop doing or change your thinking about because of this verse? write a 1 sentence summary of how this applies to your life.

P rayer.  pray and ask God for help in applying His Word to your life. confess any sin that was brought to light, or thank God for something He said to you. write a 1 sentence prayer to God in response to this Scripture.

Y es, I will be different today b/c of Gods Word.