Calvary Baptist Church

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Accountability Questions


At Calvary, we encourage our people to regularly examine themselves in regards to their progress along their journey of following Jesus, & their growth as a disciple.  Below are 12 questions you can ask yourself or use in your Connect Group to pinpoint areas you need to work on along the KNOW, GROW, GO path.

KNOW CHRIST…  Vertical Relationship. (Mt 22:37-38)

  1.  Have I responded to the Gospel in repentance & faith?
  2. Am I loving the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind & strength? Or am I lukewarm?  Is worship a priority for me?
  3. Am I seeking to bring every aspect of my life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ?  (my habits, my entertainment, my family, my work, etc.)

KNOW CHRIST’S PEOPLE…  Horizontal Relationship. (Eph 4:16;  Acts 2:42-47)

  1.  Am I regularly meeting w/ a small group of believers for the purpose of mutual spiritual growth and accountability?  Am I open, honest & giving my best effort?
  2.  Have I found real and practical ways to demonstrate the love of God to others?  (Am I fulfilling the “one another” commands?)
  3.  Am I willing to forgive others?  Do I pursue reconciliation of broken relationships in a Christ-honoring way?  Am I humble and teachable enough to receive correction?

GROW IN CHRIST…  My Character. (1 Pet 2:2; Eph 4:15-16)

  1.  Do I set aside daily times for Scripture reading and prayer so as to help me live in intimate connection with Jesus and obedience to Him?
  2.  Am I experiencing more of the fruit of God’s Spirit (love, joy, peace, etc.) growing in my life?  Do others notice it?  Am I actively using my spiritual gifts?
  3.  Do I regularly examine my life for sinful patterns and repent of them quickly?  (gossip, backbiting, jealousy, innapropriate relationships?)  Are there any inappropriate secrets in my life?

GO FOR CHRIST!…  The Mission.  (Mt 28:18-20;  2 Cor 5:18-20)

  1.  Am I cultivating relationships with non-Christians and sharing my faith with them?  (Regularly?  Am I inviting unchurched friends to church?)
  2.  Am I investing my life in the spiritual development of others?  (Do I give regularly, generously, and proportionate to God’s blessing to build Christ’s church here at CBC?)
  3.  Did I do anything this week that would discredit my witness for Christ?  (gossip, temper, substance abuse, etc…?)